Trading Center


The county’s business and political leaders, often the same people, never missed a chance grab new opportunities. Through persuasion, deception and generous funding, they convinced two railroads to meet within the county. The arrival of the two lines 1872 and 1873 brought boom days for Dallas County, making it an important regional center for trade. Wholesale business, aviation and the State Fair of Texas broadened Dallas County’s population. Throughout the county, towns such as Lancaster, Richardson, Irving and others became trading centers for surrounding farmers.

City of Splendid Realities

Building good cities is complicated. Towns seek new businesses and residents so they may grow and thrive, but how can they convince new business owners of their future success? Providing people with transportation, water, schools, parks and public safety is a huge endeavor. Failure drives people away to other places. The cities of Dallas County successfully faced these challenges, with a few learning opportunities along the way. 

 Culture at the Turn of the Century

When the practical needs of life are met, people long for pleasure, enlightenment and fun ways to spend free time. Most of the opportunities to enjoy art, entertainment and participate in sports were first created by concerned citizens, rather than government, and many of those citizens proved themselves capable of changing their communities for the better.

Inequality and Resistance

Prosperity and opportunity were not distributed equally among county residents. Women did not have equal political voices. They were also limited in professional opportunities, as were many men based on their race, religion, or ethnicity. People who worked at jobs with lower pay and less prestige felt exploited and excluded from better lives. Local people followed national trends in demanding change to the unfair parts of the existing order, and their early efforts brought improvement.

World War I

World War I


World War I

For the first time in history, the United States, and the people of Dallas County, entered into an international war. They saw that the outcome could affect everyone in the nation, and were willing to make sacrifices to insure victory.